What to Document in the Weeks Following a Car Crash

What to Document in the Weeks Following a Car Crash

There are millions of motor vehicle accidents reported every year in the United States. If you have been one of the millions injured due to the negligent driving of another, choosing the right attorney can help you get the compensation that you deserve. To determine liability and calculate fair reimbursement amounts, documentation is required. 

The moments immediately following your accident can leave you disoriented and you may be unsure what your next steps should be. After any urgent medical needs are addressed, having the right documentation of your accident will help solidify your claim. The professionals at Pazner Law will ensure you have what you need for a successful claim in Detroit.  

Document the Facts of the Accident

Record every detail of the accident while it’s fresh in your head. The date, time, weather conditions, and people involved are important facts required when filing an insurance claim. Make note of how the crash happened as well as the immediate injuries incurred by you and the other driver. 

Police reports should be retained as they detail the facts from a professional perspective. These reports are written by the police and can help confirm that you weren’t the driver at fault for the accident. 

Keep Track of Physical Injuries and Incurred Costs

Some injuries suffered from a car accident are immediate, but even if you are in a minor accident, injuries may evolve over the next few days or weeks. Even low-speed accidents can cause serious injuries, like head trauma. It’s important to seek medical attention as soon as you experience pain, shortness of breath, or any worsening of a pre-existing condition. 

Keeping track of all of your appointments, tests, and prescriptions along with the associated receipts will be an important piece in determining fair compensation. You should obtain records of any treatment that you receive related to your accident. Depending on the severity of your injuries, these may include ambulance fees, emergency room records, or chiropractic care.

Organize Proof of Income

A successful personal injury claim includes compensation for lost wages. To calculate how much income was lost due to hospitalization and recovery, you will need to show proof of the salary you would have been making during this time. Pay stubs or direct deposit statements will need to be presented. You will need to keep track of dates missed and hours lost.

Retain Receipts from All Car Repairs 

If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, you are entitled to repairs or a replacement. In order for your lawyer to know how much reimbursement you will need to fix your car, you will need to get one or multiple estimates from valid body shops or mechanics. If your automobile requires replacement, universal sites can determine a valuation. 

Dedicated Advocates that will Fight for You

When you step into the driver’s seat or the passenger side of a vehicle, you hope to get from point A to point B in Detroit safely. Unfortunately, accidents happen when you least expect them. When you are injured in such an accident, strong legal representation matters. The attorneys at Pazner Law have extensive experience processing cases just like yours. 

We will work closely with you so that you know what documentation is needed in order for us to provide a successful outcome. We are so confident that there are no fees until you get paid. 

Reach out for guidance, starting with a free consultation. Connect with us today by calling 313-822-2244 or completing the online form below.